Question 1 : Which of the following is totally impossible outcome of Mendel's Experiment?
Question 2 : Which of the following is not a direct conclusion that can be drawn from Mendel's Experiment?
Question 3 : Which one is a possible progeny in F2 generation of pure bred tall plant with round seed and short plant with wrinkled seeds?
Question 4 : Which section of DNA provides information for one protein
Question 5 : Which of the following is not controlled by genes? 1. Weight of a person 2. Height of a person
Question 6 : What is the probability that the male progeny will be a boy?
Question 7 : Who have a perfect pair of sex chromosomes?
Question 8 : With whom you can associate theory of evolution?
Question 9 : Which of the following can be called a characteristic?
Question 10 : Homologous organ have
Question 11 : Process of selecting individuals with desired characters by man is called
Question 12 : Which one of the following pairs are homologous organs?
Question 13 : The theory of evolution of species by natural selection was given by
Question 14 : A cross between a tall pea-plant (TT) and a short pea-plant (tt) resulted in progenies that were all tall plants because
Question 15 : The number of pairs of sex chromosomes in the zygote of a human being is
Question 16 : A zygote which has an X-chromosome inherited from the father will develop into a
Question 17 : A man with blood group A marries a woman having blood group O. What will be the blood group of the child?
Question 18 : What does the progeny of a tall plant with round seeds and a short plant with wrinkled seeds look like?
Question 19 : If a round, green seeded pea-plant (RRyy) is crossed with a wrinkled yellow seeded pea- plant (rrYY), the seeds produced in F1 generation are
Question 20 : The human species has genetic roots in
Question 21 : Which of the following is the ancestor of ‘Broccoli’?
Question 22 : The process of evolution of a species whereby characteristics which help individual organisms to survive and reproduce are passed on to their offspring and those characteristics which do not help are not passed on is called
Question 23 : Identify the two organisms which are now extinct and are studied from their fossils.
Question 24 : Which of the following decides the sex of the child?
Question 25 : Pure-bred pea plant A is crossed with pure¬bred pea plant B. It is found that the plants which look like A do not appear in Fj gene¬ration but re-emerge in F2 generation. Which of the plants A and B are tall and dwarf?
Question 26 : In humans if gene B gives brown eyes and gene b gives blue eyes, what will be the colour of eyes of the persons having combinations (i) Bb and (ii) BB?
Question 27 : A cross between two individuals results in a ratio of 9 : 3 : 3 :1 for four possible phenotypes of progeny. This is an example of a
Question 28 : Which of the following characters can be acquired but not inherited?
Question 29 : Those organs which have the same basic structure but different functions are called
Question 30 : Those organs which have different basic structure but have similar appearance and perform similar functions are called
Question 31 : The remaps (or impressions) of dead animals or plant? that lived in the remote past are known as
Question 32 : The process by which new species develop from the existing species is known as
Question 33 : Which of the following is an example of genetic variation?
Question 34 : Differences between organisms in a species are described as variation. Which of the following would you describe as continuous variation?
Question 35 : The more characteristics two species have in common :
Question 36 : To study the natural phenomenon of inheritance, Mendel selected the pea plants. Which of the following properties were suitable for their studies? (i) Plants would easily self pollinate or cross-pollinate in nature. (ii) Plants were easily grown in garden soil with a considerably shorter generation time. (iii) Pea plants do not require the true-breeding for hybridisation experiments. (iv) Many parts of the plant such as pod, seed, flower, cotyledons showed distinct phenotypes.
Question 37 : What is the difference between genetic drift and change due to natural selection?
Question 38 : Which concept was not included in Charles Darwins theory of Natural Selection?
Question 39 : Natural selection is called survival of the fittest. Which of the following statements best describes an organism?
Question 40 : Human offsprings sex is determined
Question 41 : Wild cabbage has evolved into new varieties like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower by
Question 42 : The fossil remains of Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between
Question 43 : The maleness of a child is determined by
Question 44 : Some dinosaurs had feathers although they could not fly but birds have feathers that help them to fly. In the context of evolution this means that
Question 45 : Normal cell of human body contains 46 pairs of chromosomes then the numbers of chromosomes in a sex cell of a human being is most likely to be:
Question 46 : In the human blood grouping, the four basic blood types are type A, type B, type AB, and type O. They are:
Question 47 : A pregnant woman has an equal chance of her baby being blood group A or blood group AB. Which one of the following shows the possible genotypes of the woman and the father of her child?
Question 48 : What will be the number of chromosomes present in each gamete produced by the plants if the palisade cells of a species of plant contain 28 chromosomes in all?
Question 49 : Which is the one characteristic of the parents that can be inherited by their children?
Question 50 : What is the ancient name for all human beings?