Sanchetna Public School is situated in the lap of nature in a peaceful and natural environment. We at the SANCHETNA mainly concerned with the all-round development of the child. The Fee structure of the Sanchetna Public School is decided by the SMC and Administrating staff. while deciding the fee chargeable from the students, we take care that the fee charged will not hamper the development of the child. Although once the structure approved by the SMC and the School Authority will not be altered in a case and no fee concession will be given to anyone in any case. There are certain rules will be binding to all the students.


  1. All the students enrolled in Sanchetna Public Sen. Secondary School will have to pay all the Annual Charges and monthly Fee according to school norms. The fee detail for a particular class can be confirmed from the school web site from PARENT AREA or STUDENT AREA or from the fee in – charge during the working hours of the institute.
  2.  Every student will have to pay the examination fee during the examinations as decided by the Examination Committee of the School. Students whose dues are pending could not download Admit Card from Exam.
  3.  All Annual fee and funds along with tuition fee will be accepted by the cash at the fee counter of the school, however the parents can also deposit the fee in School Current Account No.  65275718810  by the name of SANCHETNA EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY in STATE BANK OF INDIA, branch AWAH DEVI or ONLINE using Payment Gateway link given in STUDENT AREA
  4. The tuition fee will be for accepted as per schedule given in for paying FEE and DUES
  5. No fee shall be accepted in the form of Money Order / Cheques.
  6. The candidates will have to deposit their fee, fine and funds last by the 8th of every month. After the said date late fee fine will be charged according to the school norms.
  7. If an applicant is not enrolled by the prescribed date because he / She has not paid full or part of the fee, the amount paid by him/her will not be refunded.
  8. If an applicant is not enrolled because he /she has not submitted the required documents in support of his / her admission, by the last date fixed for the purpose or has submitted the bogus documents, his / her fee shall not be refunded.
  9. If in any case the regular admission of the candidate is not confirmed because of the ineligibility, the fee paid by him/her will not be refunded.
  10. Tuition Fee will be accepted at School Fee Counter up to 8th of every month, after that fee will be deposited in State Bank Of India account, by taking the fee challan from the Account Officer on any working day.
  11. Fee can also be paid ONLINE using link FEE PAYMENT GATEWAY

Fee Concession

i) Fee concession will be granted on the bases of Scholarship Exam conducted by School.

ii) For economically weaker sections of society No Tuition Fee will be charged under the RTE Act if an applicant produces proper documents as required by the Education Department from time to time.

iii) No fee concession will be granted to students whose parent are Government Servant (State / Central), Clam Educational Allowance , Received Financial Aid from Government for children Education, Tax Payer or Made Any Foreign Tour.