
Joy in learning and sharing.


To provide supporting, stimulating and congenial environment that will nourish ever number with love towards mathematics through structurally designed mathematical activities .


Equipping pupil with problem solving skills, To inculcating love for mathematics, providing common platform for pupil where they share and solve their mathematical problem


Pupils from Primary 3rd class to 6th class form a science club. Pupil will participate in research work, hand on activity and experiments, out- door activities, work on at least one project of daily importance.


School Math/ Server Room


  • Service Learning – To improve the mathematical calculation by use of Vedic Mathematics
  • CIP learning – Celebrating the birthday of any Indian Mathematician, Math in game,
  • Research Work – Designing the mathematical model of given problems
  • Presentation – Pupil to deliberate on their Mathematical effort and findings on research and experimental result.      


Teacher In-Charge will highlight the club achievement and find One male and One female pupil Mathematician of the club and they will be honoured in annual function.